Sunday, July 17, 2005

Sparkling Fresh

I've been listening to some great coaching, lately! And it seems to be getting better and better! In both my Seven Secrets of Certification and Coaching Improv classes, as well as my Triad Mentor Coaching groups, coaches are stepping up courageously and coaching with brilliance and generosity.

I mentioned to my friend, Barbra Sundquist, the other day, that when I was a student coach, I used to hope that I would be able to coach one day at the level of my mentors. Now, just a few years later, my students and mentees are coaching at that level!

I always believed in Thomas Leonard's Proficiencies, but I didn't expect them to change the quality of coaching this fast!

I feel proud and humble, at the same time. Proud, because I'm one of the teachers/mentors/certifiers who have learned how to help coaches master their skills. Humble, because it's a huge honor to work with such talented people.

Barbra and I have been working on a project for some time, which we call SparklingFresh: The Sound of Great Coaching. It's function will to be to give you a chance to hear how masterful coaches do what they do and to learn their techniques. We're pretty excited about it!

If you'd like to know more, you may want to volunteer to be one of our beta testers in the near future. As a beta tester, you'll be one of the first to find out how to become a SparlkingFresh Coach, which we think will be quite a distinction! Our website is in progress, but if you'd like to take a sneak peek, go to: To apply as a beta tester, send an email to with "Beta Tester" in the subject line.

Copyright, Julia Stewart, 2005

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