Friday, October 12, 2007

Al Gore Wins Nobel Peace Prize

Just read a New York Times article that says Former Vice President Al Gore has won the Nobel Peace Prize along with a United Nations committee on climate change. (NYT pic above, Cornelius Poppe/European Pressphoto Agency)

Go Al!

This blog is mostly about coaching and coaches, so I shy away from my political opinions, but I revealed in my last post that Mr. Gore is still my first choice for President of the United States. No one who is officially running comes close to having his vision, experience, integrity and ability - and we know he can win!

I guess the real question is: Since, in the seven years since Al Gore won the popular vote for the American Presidency, he's made millions of dollars, won the Nobel Prize, as well as an Oscar and an Emmy; so does Mr. Gore even want the White House, anymore?

If he really wants it and has the courage to take it on, then he's the guy to lead us in the next eight years.

Mr. Gore is enjoying his Personal Greatness and perhaps the perfection in the 2000 campaign is that the intervening years of atrocious leadership have helped the world - and hopefully the US - to catch up with his vision. Maybe now's the time.

If you think so, go here and sign the petition.

Copyright, Julia Stewart, 2007
All rights reserved.

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Have You Seen My Country?

You may be seeing flyers like this in your local coffee shop or grocery store. More and more of us are wondering what happened to that great country we grew up in and we're looking for it.

Today we have Republican leaders that are either complete idiots or the Devil incarnate ~ or both. And we have Democrats who wimp out on any issue, if they think it will compromise their approval ratings. Some choice!

Some days I wonder if democracy even works, anymore. And no, I don't have a better alternative. But I'm fed up with politicians who just don't get it.

A few folks got together and created
for Americans who have had it with devisiveness and want solutions that work. I heard about in on the Stephen Colbert show. Much as a love Stephen, he's not my first choice for President. (Are you listening, Mr. Gore??)

Today, Unity '08 launches its "Have You Seen My Country?" campaign.
Hence, the flyer. They want members to spread them around. I spend more time on my computer than I do at the coffee shop (I bet you do, too). So here you go.

Hmm, what if we find our country, notice she's changed and discover leaders who get it? That would be something we could unite over!

Copyright, Julia Stewart, 2007
All rights reserved.