Sunday, July 24, 2005

Eyes Wide Open

It occurs to me that someone might read into some of my posts and get the idea that I have regrets about working for CoachVille. Nothing could be less true!

I mentioned to one of my friends recently that now that I'm no longer at CoachVille, with what I know and who I know, I'm poised to do my best work in the coming years. It's a delicious place to be and I'm so happy to be where I am, right now!

I went into CoachVille with my eyes wide open and I considered all my options. I checked in with my intuition and I followed it. Things didn't always work out the way that I hoped, but the benefits were tremendous, anyway. I'm well known, now and I have a healthy following. (Chances are, you wouldn't be reading this, if you didn't know me through CoachVille.) I have some very important-sounding Grand Pooh-bah titles and, yes I leverage them all I can! Last but not least, I'm a far better coach, mentor, teacher, certifier and business person, because of what I learned at CoachVille.

I think of working at CoachVille like advanced training. It's kind of like a post-grad internship! You don't do those things for money.

The reason I sometimes mention my ups and downs at CoachVille is because: A. Up until a few weeks ago, they were a major part of my life. B. Coaches learn from each other's experiences.

I'm honored to have worked with so many great people at CoachVille and I'm excited about moving on!

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