Saturday, January 31, 2009

Google Crashes: The Day the Web Stood Still

 Okay, I'm not proud of the fact that I Google search while I eat breakfast on a Saturday morning. Actually, I was reading the NY Times online when I came across a great quote by Pat Quinn, the new Governor of Illinois: "You want to know my philosophy? One day a peacock. The next day a feather duster." Naturally, I wanted to tweet it and then well, one thing led to another...

Today Google is the feather duster. Every site you search on Google this morning comes with a scary warning: "This site may harm your computer." Nobody would visit a site with that kind of a warning from Google! I suspected something was really off, so I searched a couple of other sites, including mighty Google, itself. Guess what? Google's site may harm your computer also!

I tweeted about it and got lots of feedback. Yes, everybody's getting the same message. Is Google broken or has it been hacked?

Is this the cyber version of the movie, "The Day the Earth Stood Still"?

It would be a fun adventure if the message wasn't coming up for my sites as well. We can all watch our statistics hit the toilet today!

Anyhow, I want you to know that I visited my site and it didn't hurt my computer. Plus, our tuition reduction ends at midnight, tonight. 

Copyright, Julia Stewart, 2009