Thursday, June 28, 2007

Coaching Groundwork

Where do you go if you're curious about coaching? If you want to find out what coaching skills are about? If you want to discover if coaching is the profession for you? I designed Coaching Groundwork for people like you... 

Read entire blog post at the Coaching Blog.

Thursday, June 14, 2007

Going Back in Time and Striking Gold

While researching "distinctions", an important coaching tool, for a recent class at the School of Coaching Mastery, I decided to go back in time and find the original Thomas Leonard Distinctionary. Most people don't know this version exists or think that it's gone, but there's a nifty little web archive known as... Read entire article at the Coaching Blog.

Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Thomas Leonard's Clarifiers

Great coaches know the value of a well-placed either/or question. I learned what a huge upgrade this type of question could be while studying with (the late) Thomas Leonard at his Graduate School of Coaching.

One evening, in a class called The Clarifiers, I volunteered to coach. (Always volunteer in class. You'll learn ten times more than everyone else.)

I was given five minutes to coach, using just five of the following list of 15 clarifying questions, nothing else. The "client" (another coaching student who had a genuine problem she wanted to solve) made a huge shift in her thinking and at the end of five minutes, her problem had been eliminated. Wow!

Masterful coaches have tools that eliminate the need to figure out, work hard, take responsibility for, or solve their clients problems. Their skills do the work for them. At the School of Coaching Mastery, coaches learn these tools and how to use them masterfully. We have our own list of either/or questions, but in case you're interested, here are Thomas':

1. Urgent or Important?

2. Addressed or Avoiding?

3. Accurate or Interpretation?

4. Open or Resistant?

5. Internal or External Reference Point?

6. Want or Could/Should/Need?

7. Opportunity or Possibility?

8. Source or Symptom?

9. Opening or Share?

10. Response or Reaction?

11. Create or Eliminate?

12. Problem or Concern?

13. Present or Past?

14. Acceptance or Resistance?

15. Toward or Away From?

Clarifiers Copyright, CoachVille, 2002 (Used with permission)

Another great source of enlightening either/or questions is Debbie Ford's book, The Right Questions.

Copyright, Julia Stewart, 2007