Monday, October 06, 2008

Being or having a coach without training is like flying a plane without flight school.

I don't usually promote other people's coach training, but Mattison is in a category by herself and the manifesto, below, is worth considering for any one who uses coaching skills. Or anyone thinking of hiring a coach.

Begins Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Coaching Tools at Work
Professional coaching tools for results driven professionals

Coaching in the workplace is all the rage, that is for sure. But do you know what you are doing? Is the person who is coaching you trained? Being or having a coach without training is like flying a plane without flight school. You wouldn't do that would you? Of course not. You wouldn't even consider it. So why are you coaching without any formal training? 20 years of experience in anything does not qualify you to coach. Get the tools you need so you know what you are doing. I promise, if you think you know what you are doing, you are exhibiting non-coach thinking. Coaching is not managing, accountability, telling, advising, mentoring, fixing people, solving problems, persuading or influencing. If you are doing these things and calling it coaching that is akin to trying to take off or land a plane without training. Coaching Tools at Work is the premier coaching skills training in the country and is the same curriculum that is taught at the University of Houston. This program will give you the professional coaching skills you need to really know what you are doing and move your career forward.

Want to do it? Click here to register
Register before October 7 at NOON at recieve $75 off.
Use coupon code 75offctaw

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