Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Coaching 2007: The Industry Is Headed In Completely the Wrong Direction

OK, my coach put me up to this. But it's true.

The Coaching Industry is headed the wrong way. Not coaching, mind you, the industry.

It blows my mind that coaches who should know better don't get this. Maybe it's time I let you in on it!

Coaches like to think they're all on the leading edge, that they know stuff the rest of the world doesn't get, yet. We're oh, so precious about what we do.

Don't get me wrong. Great coaching is incredible. That's why it's so surprising that so many coaches don't see what has happened...Read entire post at the Coaching Blog.


Jim Donovan - jim@jimdonovan.com said...

WOW! You've nailed it. I love it when people turn things on their head. Isn't that what coaching's supposed to be about?

Thinking in new and different ways and seeing a bigger vision of what's possible?

One thing I'm doing personally, is blending coaching with consulting and masterminding and forming small groups of people who want to play bigger.

You can see it here:

The cost is less than for one-on-one coaching and the masterminding creates breakthroughs not possible in a coach/client relationship.

Of course, now you've got me thinking I need to play even bigger:-)

Happy New Year

Barry Zweibel said...

While I thoroughly enjoyed the passion of your post, I think there was a typo in your title.

The correct way to spell "The Industry Is..." is "Many, But Not All, Coaches Are..."

Unknown said...

Perfect example!

Barry Zweibel said...

Jim's is a "Perfect example!" but I've found that it's quite possible to carve out an excellently successful practice staying with the 1-on-1 coaching model.

To your point, there are all sorts of people in the real world who really do want to be coached. You don't need to 'sell' them because they're already ready to buy. You just need to find them - or have them find you.

Praveer said...

"Imagine what the world will be like when coaching is the default communication skill, when every child grows up being coached by their parents and teachers, when employees are coaching and getting coached everyday on the job? How will people evolve then?"

I love the direction that's going in - how about a global consortium of coaches? And the purpose would be the transformation of life itself!
