Tuesday, July 12, 2005

The Servant Entrepreneur

Most coaches are attracted to coaching because they want to help make the world a better place. They love people, want to help people have better lives and often see their coaching work as a kind of spiritual practice. It's a way of giving and receiving, all at once. Very fulfilling.

Do you believe coaching is a spiritual practice?

Something else that makes coaching particularly attractive, is that it promises to be a lucrative career. Most of us are thrilled to discover that there is a profession where we can be the givers that we like to be and still make a six-figure income. Or seven figures, even!

Giving, helping, spiritual fulfillment, plus lots of money; that's an intoxicating combination! It's even a little addictive...Read entire post at the Coaching Blog. 


Mattison Grey said...

You are right on the mark. Every great thinker in history has said basically the same thing. "The only way to get what you want is to get other people what they want". As you said this is much easier said then done. It is difficult to be in service if your bank account is low and the mortgage is due. It does just boil down to trusting the universal law of reciprocity.
I have been coaching for almost 8 years, (I did my first coach training in 1997). For the first 5 years I was coaching part time and had a full time job. Almost 3 years ago, I took the leap and began earning my living solely from coaching and seminars, and have never looked back. I am making plenty of money and having a great time doing it. People around me (other coaches) ask how are you doing that? I almost always answer, I am just in service. I guess I am doing what you call servant entrepreneurship. I love that label!
There is the persistent conversation in coaching that the coaching is about the client…. is it? …… Really? Maybe in a perfect world where the coach has "gotten over" his/her ego. I think this is the great paradox of coaching. It IS all about the client AND all about the coach and all about the thing that goes on between them -- that we call coaching.
Coaching is absolutely a spiritual practice and I don't think you have to have amazing spiritual gifts to be a good coach, you do have to be in the inquiry and process of your own spiritual journey, whatever that is for you as a human.
Thanks for asking the question; this is something I consider daily, especially when my bank account is low.....

Unknown said...

Thanks! And you make a great point about coaching being what takes place between the client and the coach. I think we focus on the coach being transparent, because new coaches need to get out of the way. But at some point, it does become obvious that the coach's personality, opinions, experience, etc., are all important, too.

It's the brew that develops when two people connect on a deep level - the relationship - that's where all the magic is!