Sunday, April 13, 2008

The Biggest Opportunity in the World

How do I know I am blessed and wealthy? Because I can afford to believe that climate change is our Number 1 problem in the world. In the long-run, the larger scheme, etc., it is way bigger and potentially more devastating than the economy, the war, human rights, health care and all else combined (as huge as all of those really are). If I were out of work or fighting in Iraq, no doubt, my point of view would be different. Lucky me.

However, Climate Change is discussed less than 1% of the time in presidential politics. Not good. (Can you say, Armageddon?)

Is this the end or is it just a really big opportunity? Did greatness end with the Greatest Generation, or are we up to a really great challenge?

To find out more, visit:, view Al Gore's New Thinking on the Climate Crisis or watch the following brief clip: