Monday, February 25, 2008

Should Coaching be Free?

Notice how certain memes seem to be on everyone's mind at the same time? Makes you wonder. I read the Wired article on Chris Anderson's book FREE! last night and in my inbox this morning was TrendWatch's Free Love article. None of the ideas in either article were really new to me, but they did spark several new inspirations, so that's pretty cool.

Learned a couple of new words: Freevertising and Freeconomics (not the book, the phenomenon)

Basic idea: Business is quickly moving toward $0.00 for everything. Great news for consumers, eh? So how do you make any money?

Friday, February 22, 2008

If Your Coaching Business is a Little Slow, Follow Seth Godin's Advice

I'm a subscriber to Seth Godin's Blog, because he's a great writer and really "gets" the whole "marketing with integrity" thing that is the only way to become a successful coach. I wish I had written the following post that he wrote for real estate agents. Only I would have written it for whiny coaches during the last recession, when a lot of them needed to hear it...

Read entire post at the Coaching Blog. 

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Should You Become a Coach In an Economic Downturn?

Is it or isn't it? A recession, I mean? How many thousands of hours of airtime have "pundits" used up analyzing our economy and still we don't know if it's the Big R or not?

All that professional fretting can sure make a new business person nervous! And those of us who've been at it for a while are concerned, too. On the other hand, any time there is a shake up of any sort, new opportunities pop up. The fun of being in business is watching the landscape change and noticing the next big windows of opportunity before everyone else does.

A freaky economy brings plenty of opportunity. So call me perverse, but I'm having fun ;-)

Read entire post at the Coaching Blog.

Thursday, February 07, 2008

International Coaching Week: World's First Coach-a-thon

2008 Coach-a-thon
FREE Professional Coaching

In Celebration of International Coaching Week Greystone Guides is sponsoring a 24 hour Coach-a-thon. 12 coaches from Houston and around the country will provide free coaching for 24 hours straight from February 15 at 9am-February 16 at 9am.
For more information and to register click here:
Greystone Guides Coach-a-thon

Please share this event as you see fit. We want to coach people from all over the world and need your help to get the word out.

Useful & Timely

Coaching to Clarity on
Great Day Houston

On January 11, 2008 Mattison and two of her clients appeared on the morning television show Great Day Houston. The topic was How to Have an Amazing Life. Whitney talks with Laurie and Tandy about their amazing businesses. Mattison does a live coaching demonstration with Jo Sue and shows you what creating clarity means.
Watch the Show Here